Change management

Our Solutions

Implementing change is difficult – making it stick is even harder. Research has shown that initiatives implemented with effective change management activities are six times more likely to succeed.

Our approach to planning a successful change transformation is to take a stakeholder-centric approach to the change. Rather than look at change as something that “happens to you” or is simply “tell and sell”, we start by understanding why you’re changing and the motivations for doing so.

We have developed a rigorous transformation methodology that removes the guesswork to help our clients deliver successful transformation programs.

How we can help you succeed

  • Change behaviours or culture to support transformation

  • Support new leaders to engage their people

  • Coordinate multiple change initiatives impacting the same people

  • Design engagement activities to varied audiences with different agendas and requirements.

Want to know more about our approach to change and how we can help?

Our approach to change management

When it comes to successful change introduction and adoption, there are three vital things that need to be in place for your change to succeed:

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1. Understand why you’re changing

What’s the ‘case for change’? It should have your stakeholders saying, ‘we don’t have a choice but to change’. We help you bring stakeholders together to craft a strong case for change that balances internal and external factors to create a coherent story of what? and why?

With the foundations in place, now it’s time to plan…

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2. Know your future vision

With a compelling case for change, things can’t continue the way they are – but what does the solution look like? We help you to ensure your stakeholders are clear on your future state vision, allowing everyone to work towards a common goal.

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3. Align leadership with the change

Is your leadership team on-board and are they ready to champion the change? One of the most important drivers of successful change is the active and visible participation of senior leaders. We work with you to ensure effective senior sponsorship of your change.

Planning for change

With a clear future state vision of the stakeholder experience established, we help you to develop a program and change plan that details stakeholders’ change journey and required processes and technology through a methodology that includes:

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1. Deep insights into your stakeholders

Understanding the people affected by the change through gathering data and feedback.

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2. Assess the degree and impact of the change

Assess how the change will impact the people affected by it. Our understanding of these people from the first step acts as a guide and helps us understand what needs to happen for them to make the change.

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3. Plan how to communicate with your people

Plan ways of communicating with the people affected by the change that resonate and encourage interaction.

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4. Plan changes around your people

Shape an engagement plan that puts the person at the centre. Build trust and credibility by telling people when and how they will be engaged with and how they will be brought on the change journey.

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5. Shape campaigns that will resonate

Design communications campaigns that appeal to the people they’re speaking to. These campaigns make the change exciting, understandable and inevitable.


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